CS 4973 & 6463 : Deep Learning

Syllabus | Schedule | Resources

TensorFlow Supplemental

There are many (many) machine learning frameworks available and their capabilities are expanding quickly.
In this course, we will use Google's free and open-source framework: TensorFlow. As the focus of the course is on deep learning concepts, this page is provided as supplementary material. If you have trouble implementing a concept, start here for a range of introductory to advanced assistance.

Tutorials & Resources

New to TensorFlow? Just rusty? Check out some of the following tutorials to find the right fit for you: No time for that? Here are some cheatsheets to save time, if you've already completed Hello, World! Books/reports available, for general reference:

Google Colaboratory

Google Colaboratory and TensorFlow were made for each other! Installing specific versions and libraries is simple, once you become familiar with their terminology.

Begin by creating your first colab notebook on colab.research.google.com, and review the "Hello, World" tutorial there. Here are a few extra resources (short blogs & colab notebooks) to get you started: