A. T. Chronopoulos
A. T. Chronopoulos
, Professor(PhD)
Societies membership/Academy awards : Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) (“For distinguished contributions to the field of scientific computing, particularly iterative methods for sparse algebraic problems and computer methods applied to engineering.”), Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Euro-Acad), Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET, former IEE), ACM Senior member, IEEE Senior life member
• Listed in the top 2% of all fields world scientists’ scholarly impact (excluding self citations)
https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/2 (Table-S6-career-2019.xlsx)
Non-cooperative power and latency aware load balancing in distributed data centers
Tripathi, R., Vignesh, S., Tamarapalli, V., Chronopoulos, A.T. and Siar, H., Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing,107, pp.76-86, Sept 2017.
Scalable Loop Self-Scheduling Schemes for Large-Scale Clusters and Cloud Systems,
Y Han, A T Chronopoulos , International Journal of Parallel Programming,45,pp.595-611, 11 May 2017.
Game-theoretic static load balancing for distributed systems,
S. Penmatsa, A. T. Chronopoulos, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 71(4), pp. 537-555, 2011.
A game-theoretic approach to joint rate and power control for uplink CDMA communications,
M. Musku, A. T. Chronopoulos, D. Popescu, A. Stefanescu, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 58(3), pp. 923-932, 2010.
Block s-step Krylov iterative methods,
A. T. Chronopoulos, A. Kucherov, Numerical Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 17(1), pp. 3-15, 2010.
Reducing Floating Point Error in Dot Product using the Superblock Family of Algorithms,
A. M. Castaldo, R. C. Whaley, A. T. Chronopoulos, SIAM J. Scientific Computing, 31(2), pp. 1156-1174, 2008. .
Cooperative load balancing in distributed systems,
D. Grosu, A.T. Chronopoulos, M. Y. Leung, Concurrency and Computation-Practice and Experience, 20(16), pp. 1953-1976, 2008.
Spectrum Load Balancing for Medium Access in Cognitive Radio Systems,
A. T. Chronopoulos, M. Musku, S. Penmatsa, D. Popescu, IEEE Communication Letters, 12(5), pp. 353-355, 2008.
Distributed loop-scheduling schemes for heterogeneous computer systems,
A. T. Chronopoulos, S. Penmatsa, Jianhua Xu, S. Ali, Concurrency and Computation-Practice and Experience, 18(7), pp. 771-785, 2006.
Scalable loop self-scheduling schemes for heterogeneous clusters,
A. T. Chronopoulos, S. Penmatsa, N. Yu, D. Yu, International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, 1(2/3/4), pp. 110-117, 2005.
Noncooperative load balancing in distributed systems,
D. Grosu, A.T. Chronopoulos, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 65(9), pp. 1022-1034, 2005.
Algorithmic mechanism design for load balancing in distributed systems,
D. Grosu, A.T. Chronopoulos, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part B, 34(1), pp. 77-84, 2004.
An efficient 3D grid based scheduling for heterogeneous systems,
Anthony T. Chronopoulos, D. Grosu, A. M. Wissink, M. Benche, J. Liu, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 63(9), pp. 827-837, 2003.
A real-time traffic simulation using a communication latency hiding parallelization,
A. T. Chronopoulos, C. M. Johnston, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 51(3), pp. 498-510, 2002.
On the Odir iterative method for non-symmetric indefinite linear systems,
A. Chronopoulos, D. Kincaid, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 8(2), pp. 71-82, 2001.
A real-time traffic simulation system,
A. T. Chronopoulos, C. Johnston, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 47(1), pp. 321-331, 1998.
Parallel solution of a traffic flow simulation problem,
A. T. Chronopoulos, G. Wang, Parallel Computing, 22(14), pp. 1965-1983, 1997.
Traffic Flow Simulation through Parallel Processing,
A. T. Chronopoulos, G. Wang, Transportation Research Record, 1566, pp. 31-38, 1996.
Efficient iterative methods applied to the solution of transonic flows,
A. M. Wissink, A. S. Lyrintzis, A. T. Chronopoulos,Journal of Computational Physics, 123(2), pp. 379-393, 1996.
Parallel iterative S-step methods for unsymmetric linear systems,
A. T. Chronopoulos, C. D. Swanson,Parallel Computing, 22(5), pp. 623-641, 1996.
On the squared unsymmetric Lanczos method,
A. T. Chronopoulos, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 54(1), pp. 65-78, 1994.
On nonlinear generalized conjugate gradient methods,
O. Axelsson, A. T. Chronopoulos, Numerische Mathematik, Numerische Mathematik, 69(1), pp. 1-15, 1 Nov 1994.
Vectorial integrated finite-difference analysis of dielectric waveguides,
H. Dong, A. T. Chronopoulos, J. Zou, A. Gopinath, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 11(10), pp. 1559-1564, 1993. .
Iterative methods for nonsymmetric systems in DAEs and stiff ODEs codes,
A. T. Chronopoulos, C. Pedro, (IMACS) Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 35(3), pp. 211-232, 1993.
Iterative methods for nonlinear operator equations,
A. T. Chronopoulos, Z. Zlatev,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 51(2-3), pp. 167-180, 1992.
An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Extreme Eigenvalues of Sparse Nonsymmetric Matrices,
S. K. Kim, A. T. Chronopoulos, International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 6(4), Dec 1992.
An efficient nonsymmetric Lanczos method on parallel vector computers,
S. K. Kim, A. T. Chronopoulos, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 42(3), pp. 357-374, 30 Oct 1992.
Nonlinear CG-like Iterative Methods,
A. T. Chronopoulos, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 40(1), pp. 73-89, 12 June 1992.
A class of Lanczos-like algorithms implemented on parallel computers,
S. K. Kim, A. T. Chronopoulos, Parallel Computing, 17(6-7), pp. 763-778, 1991.
s-Step Iterative Methods for (Non)Symmetric (In)Definite Linear Systems,
A. T. Chronopoulos, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 28(6), pp. 1776-1789, 1991.
Implementation of Iterative Methods for Large Sparse Nonsymmetric Linear Systems On a Parallel Vector Machine,
Sangback Ma, A. T. Chronopoulos, International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 4(4), pp. 9-24, December 1990.
On the efficient implementation of preconditioned s-step conjugate gradient methods on multiprocessors with memory hierarchy,
A. T. Chronopoulos, C. W. Gear, Parallel Computing, 11(1), pp. 37-53, 1989.
s-step iterative methods for symmetric linear systems,
A. T. Chronopoulos, C. W. Gear, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 25(2), pp. 153-168, 1989
A Hierarchical Distributed Loop Self-Scheduling Scheme for Cloud Systems,
Y. Han, A. T. Chronopoulos, 12th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA 2013), pp. 7-10, Boston, MA, USA, August 2013.
Distributed Loop Scheduling Schemes for Cloud Systems,
Y. Han, A. T. Chronopoulos, 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing, Workshops and Phd Forum, Cambridge, MA, May 2013, pp. 955-962.
Scalable Loop Self-Scheduling Schemes Implemented on Large-Scale Clusters,
Y. Han, A. T. Chronopoulos, 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing, Workshops and Phd Forum, Cambridge, MA, 2013, pp. 1735-1742.
Implementation of Distributed Loop Scheduling Schemes on the TeraGrid,
S. Penmatsa, A. T. Chronopoulos, N. T. Karonis, B. Toonen,
21st IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2007), Long Beach, California, USA, pp. 1-8, 26-30 March 2007.
Dynamic Multi-User Load Balancing in Distributed Systems,
S. Penmatsa, A. T. Chronopoulos, 21st IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2007), Long Beach, California, USA, pp. 1-10, 26-30 March 2007.
Price-based user-optimal job allocation scheme for grid systems,
S. Penmatsa, A. T. Chronopoulos, 20th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2006), Rhodes, Greece, pp. 1-8, 25-29 April 2006.
Cooperative load balancing for a network of heterogeneous computers,
S. Penmatsa, A. T. Chronopoulos, 20th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2006), Rhodes, Greece, pp. 1-8, 25-29 April 2006.
Joint rate and power control using game theory,
M. Musku, A. T. Chronopoulos, D. Popescu, , 3rd IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference(CCNC 2006), Las Vegas NV, pp. 1258 – 1262, 8-10 January 2006.
Joint rate and power control with pricing,
M. Musku, A. T. Chronopoulos, D. Popescu, IEEE Globecom 2005, Vol. 6, pp. 3466 - 3470, 28 November-2 December 2005.
Job Allocation Schemes in Computational Grids based on Cost Optimization,
S. Penmatsa, A. T. Chronopoulos, IEEE 19th International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2005), Denver, Colorado, pp. 180-187, April 2005.
A distributed discrete-time neural network architecture for pattern allocation and control,
A. T. Chronopoulos, J. Sarangapani,IEEE 16th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2002), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, pp. 204-211, 15-19 April 2002.
A game-theoretic model and algorithm for load balancing in distributed systems,
D. Grosu, A. T. Chronopoulos, IEEE 16th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, (IPDPS 2002), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, pp. 146-153, 15-19 April 2002.
Load balancing in distributed systems: an approach using cooperative games,
D. Grosu, A. T. Chronopoulos, M.Y. Leung, IEEE 16th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2002), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, pp. 8-11, 15-19 April 2002.
A class of loop self-scheduling for heterogeneous clusters,
A. T. Chronopoulos, R. Andonie, M. Benche, D. Grosu, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER 2001), Newport Beach, CA, pp. 282-291, 8-11 October 2001.
Towards efficient parallel implementation of the CG method applied to a class of block tridiagonal linear systems,
A. T. Chronopoulos, 1991 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing (Supercomputing '91), Albuquerque, New Mexico, pp. 578-587, 18-22 November 1991.
s-Step Orthomin and GMRES implemented on parallel computers,
A. T. Chronopoulos, S. K. Kim, TR UMSI 90/43R, 1990. Also, published as: (1) Towards Efficient Parallel Implementation of s-step Iterative Methods, Supercomputer, Vol. 47, No. IX-1, pp. 4-17, 1992; (2)
arXiv:2001.04886v2, 27 Jan 2020.
On Squaring Krylov Subspace Iterative methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems,
A. T. Chronopoulos, S. Ma, TR 89-67, CS Dept, University of Minnesota, MPLS, MN, pp. 1-28, 1989.
A Class of Parallel Iterative Methods Implemented on Multiprocessors,
A. T. Chronopoulos, Ph. D. thesis, University of Illinois, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1987. 8711782.